Olfaction plays a vital role in our daily lives, encompassing safety perception, psycho-social functions, and the enjoyment of food and drink. However, it is concerning that 22% of Europeans and Americans suffer from a loss of smell, also known as anosmia. This issue is not only attributed to the impact of COVID-19; numerous factors contribute to smell loss, including aging, poor air quality, smoking, and exposure to radiation or chemicals. The good news is that the sense of smell can be recovered through regular smell training.
Seent is an innovative solution that explores the digitalization of odors. It helps users practice and enhance their sense of smell in a digital way. The Seent device produces a consistent and steady aroma flow of the user's favorite scents, which can be controlled through the Seent app. With this app, users can engage in regular smell training, assess their level of smell sensitivity, and record each training session. Seent simplifies traditional smell training methods, making them more accessible to everyone.